Strategic pet product packaging design and branding creates shelf presence and drive purchases. Your quality will then lead to loyal long term customers. What does your pet packaging design need that shouts shelf presence?
CJS Hoof WaxThe equestrian world demands products that reflect both functionality and passion. When Carly and Steve, industry-recognised farriers and founders of CjS Equine, sought to elevate their brand design, they needed equine wax packaging and branding that told their story. With years of hands-on experience and a commitment to providing the best care for horses, they envisioned a design that encapsulated quality, protection, and their love for equine wellbeing. The result? A standout identity for their flagship product, CjS Hoof Wax, that resonates with horse lovers everywhere. |
MolofeedA Norwegian company specialized in microencapsulation, Molofeed has developed and patented a method for creating a new microcapsule that allows any water-soluble nutrients to be enclosed in a shell. The capsules can then be dried into a powder-like product, allowing for ease storage and long shelf life. Staying in suspension until ingested by the animal, micro-encapsulation in hatchery feeds not only ensures that the tiniest animals get the sustenance they need but also prevents nutrient leaching from the micronized feed particles. That optimizes hatchery outputs and reduces the need for antibiotics. |
HamiltonFrom puppies to seniors, these super premium rolls are suitable for all growth stages. The Pet Food Hamilton protein rolls are Australian-made and preservative-free and can help with food sensitivities and other indications. Protein rolls come in a variety of flavours such as Turkey and Carrot, Chicken and Broccoli, Salmon and Tapioca, and more. |
Fuss DogHealthy for your furry family. The inspiration - wanting a more convenient option for her Kizzy the Schnauzer. Combining Kizzy's silhouette and a earthy/fun colour palette Fuss Dog was born. |
Pepper & MurphyPepper & Murphy’s dog treats are 100% hand-made and packaged so we can assure you there are no added preservatives or fillers. Pepper & Murphy's is inspired by our two pooches of the same name. They are the models you see on the website and usually come with us to any doggy day events in Sydney. |
BONE-A-FIDEBone-A-Fide Dog Shampoo won’t sting the eyes and is suitable for delicate/inflamed skin. Naturally derived and really lifts dirt, bacteria and odour without stripping the skin of its natural oils and moisture. |
Innovative PetInnovative Pet Products is an Australian company that brings you an innovative range of quality goods for pets. Hazel and Joe Clarke are passionate about pet’s health, play and fitness, so Innovative Pet creates a variety of unique pet accessories and products to fit into every stage of a cat or dog’s life. |
"After working with the team to develop marketing collateral for multiple businesses, I wouldn't dream of using an expensive big agency again. Kelly and her team provide world class designs."